Last Second 2013 Tax Filing Tips & Tax Extensions

2013 Deadline Tax Tips for the Procrastinating Filer
Just a friendly reminder that the offices of Scott M. Aber, CPA are here to help you file your 2013 taxes. Remember, the date you must file your taxes and remain compliant with all legal and IRS specifications is April 15, 2014. All 1040s- including general 1040s, 1040As and 1040EZs must be filed or you risk you may risk severe percussions.
Tax Extensions:
If you are running a bit late, you have the option to automatically extend the time allowed to you for filing your 2013 taxes. Please note that these are taxes you owe (or hopefully are owed back) for the tax year of 2013. Do not confuse this with taxes you need to pay attention to for the year 2014. Only a qualified accountant can really tell you the right thing to do so please give us a call!
The easiest thing to do is to consult Scott M. Aber, CPA of Rockland County and New York City so you can make the tax filing process as seamless as possible. Please contact us inNew York at (845) 215-5969 or complete our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you! Get peace of mind and potential tax savings now!